Our Guidelines for Services
In order to be good stewards of the health and welfare of our neighbors, we ask you to read and follow these guidelines for gathering at church services. Please ask Pastor if you have any questions or concerns.
Before Service:
+ Please stay home if you are ill, or showing symptoms of Covid-19. Likewise, if someone in your household is ill, please stay home.
+ Wash your hands often. Frequent and thorough hand-washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Arriving for Service:
+If you are uncomfortable entering the building or have a medical concern that puts you at undue risk, you are welcome to remain in your vehicle and park where indicated. Services continue to be transmitted via short range FM radio. Pastor and the Elders will give you instructions when you arrive, and Pastor will distribute communion after the service if you so desire.
+ If you are entering the building, please make use of hand sanitizer, which is available at various places in the building, including by the front pew (for those communing).
+ The entrance doors will be propped open until service begins in order to enable touchless entry.
+ You are strongly encouraged to wear a mask when entering and exiting the building, and throughout the service as much as possible, in consideration of your fellow congregants. (Please bring your own mask from home. We hope to have a few on hand for those who forget or who do not have one, but we won’t have enough for everyone.)
+ The ushers will hand out bulletins. They will sanitize their hands and will also wear masks.
+ In order to maintain 6 feet of space between family groups we have taped off numerous pews. The Elders will also help direct people to appropriate places to sit. Family groups from the same household may sit together in a pew; individuals should sit at the ends of pews to maintain six feet of space from others.
During the Service:
+ Hymn singing will be limited.
+ The offering will be received at the door following the service. (Please remember that online giving is already available through our website.) Communion cards should also be placed in with the offerings.
+ If you do not feel comfortable going to Communion, please feel free to remain in your seat.
+ Pastor will be sanitizing his hands immediately before the consecration and as needed during the distribution of Holy Communion.
+ An Elder will usher you to communion to help maintain appropriate distancing.
+ Once you have been given the host, please carefully take an individual cup from the tray, and then return to your pew.
After the Service
+ An Elder will usher you out. Please do not shake hands, hug, or touch people in greeting, but do your best to maintain social distancing.
+ Please do not congregate in the building, but rather go outside to briefly greet one another.
+ Please continue to pray for one another, for our congregation, and for our community.
In order to be good stewards of the health and welfare of our neighbors, we ask you to read and follow these guidelines for gathering at church services. Please ask Pastor if you have any questions or concerns.
Before Service:
+ Please stay home if you are ill, or showing symptoms of Covid-19. Likewise, if someone in your household is ill, please stay home.
+ Wash your hands often. Frequent and thorough hand-washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Arriving for Service:
+If you are uncomfortable entering the building or have a medical concern that puts you at undue risk, you are welcome to remain in your vehicle and park where indicated. Services continue to be transmitted via short range FM radio. Pastor and the Elders will give you instructions when you arrive, and Pastor will distribute communion after the service if you so desire.
+ If you are entering the building, please make use of hand sanitizer, which is available at various places in the building, including by the front pew (for those communing).
+ The entrance doors will be propped open until service begins in order to enable touchless entry.
+ You are strongly encouraged to wear a mask when entering and exiting the building, and throughout the service as much as possible, in consideration of your fellow congregants. (Please bring your own mask from home. We hope to have a few on hand for those who forget or who do not have one, but we won’t have enough for everyone.)
+ The ushers will hand out bulletins. They will sanitize their hands and will also wear masks.
+ In order to maintain 6 feet of space between family groups we have taped off numerous pews. The Elders will also help direct people to appropriate places to sit. Family groups from the same household may sit together in a pew; individuals should sit at the ends of pews to maintain six feet of space from others.
During the Service:
+ Hymn singing will be limited.
+ The offering will be received at the door following the service. (Please remember that online giving is already available through our website.) Communion cards should also be placed in with the offerings.
+ If you do not feel comfortable going to Communion, please feel free to remain in your seat.
+ Pastor will be sanitizing his hands immediately before the consecration and as needed during the distribution of Holy Communion.
+ An Elder will usher you to communion to help maintain appropriate distancing.
+ Once you have been given the host, please carefully take an individual cup from the tray, and then return to your pew.
After the Service
+ An Elder will usher you out. Please do not shake hands, hug, or touch people in greeting, but do your best to maintain social distancing.
+ Please do not congregate in the building, but rather go outside to briefly greet one another.
+ Please continue to pray for one another, for our congregation, and for our community.